Hot on the heels of first episode ‘Rise of the Villains: Damned If You Do…’ the Fox Network in the US has released a red band trailer for the remaining two episodes in the three-part saga which serves as the opening gambit of the second season of ‘Gotham’.
The two and a half minute trailer features footage from ‘Damned…’ plus the upcoming second episode ‘Rise of the Villains: Knock Knock’ and the third and final part ‘Rise of the Villains: The Last Laugh’. The trio of episodes focus on a group of villains including Barbara Kean (Erin Richards) and the soon-to-be-Joker, Jerome Valeska (Cameron Monaghan) who are busted out of Arkham and set loose on the Gotham populous.
It looks as though James Gordon and the GCPD are in for a world of trouble both at home and on the streets and if rumours are to be believe could we be about to see the famed Court of Owls make an appearance on the show.
Checkout the trailer below and sound off in the comments with your thoughts!