Dark Horse Manga and Wataru Nadatani, the Harvey Award nominated manga creator of Cat + Gamer, are bringing a new cat-centric manga to English audiences. Cat + Crazy Volume 1 begins a new silly yet sincere series that follows the lives and times of a group of cat lovers. Lettered by Susie Lee (Oh My Goddess!, Cat + Gamer) and translated to English by Zack Davisson (H.P. Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness, Cat + Gamer), Cat + Crazy Volume 1 is ready to steal the hearts (and cat toys) of manga fans in June 2025.
High schooler Kensuke Fuji adores cats, but in a family full of people who are allergic, he’s never been able to spend much time with the furry felines. When he meets the Ultimate Cat Whisperer, Kensuke finds a kindred spirit who seems to understand everything about cats! Deciding to become a disciple of this “kitty bonkers” cat-guru, Kensuke is on his way to learning the secrets of the Cat Fist Way, as a doorway into the secret world of cats opens up!
Here’s a look at the cute cover art for volume one:
Snuggle up with your favorite feline and Cat + Crazy Volume 1 when it arrives in bookstores and comic shops on June 24, 2025. Pre-order the paperback volume for $12.99. The 168-page (5.125″ x 7.25″) manga can now be pre-ordered from TFAW, Amazon, Barnes and Noble or your local bookstore, or visit Comic Shop Locator for more details and stores near you.