Power Rangers Universe #3 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Nicole Andelfinger, illustrated by Simone Ragazzoni, coloured by Mattia Iacono and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Print copies of Power Rangers Universe #3 will be available on February 23, 2022 exclusively at local comic book shops or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Digital copies can be purchased from the usual content providers.
A mysterious pod crashes on Earth, but the Morphin Master Teens are on the scene to confront whatever dangers it brings from space. While their legendary ranger forms have never made them feel so powerful against the incoming enemy invasion, what happens when their powers begin to fail… and even hurt them?
Issue #3 sees the continuation of the Power Rangers Universe arc with the Rangers feeling more powerful than ever before now they have taken their true form but have they taken on too much? as the threat of Dark Spectre is still looming like an evil dark cloud hanging over the universe waiting to attack. The power of the Rangers is now surging through them but can they control it before it controls them? It may be time to move on but the fight is still here they can’t leave anyone behind, the Phantom Ranger is on hand to offer his help but will his help be more of an issue for the Rangers?, questions will need to be answered and deep soul searching will need to be done.
Nicole Andelfinger has a captivating writing style that grips you into the pages without letting go, a good mix of action and deep storytelling creates the perfectly balanced comic and a much welcome addition to the Power Ranger multiverse. It’s great to see the progression of this arc and see a Power Rangers story told in a different way keeping the multiverse fresh and evolving.
Simone Ragazzoni brings some of the best looking illustrations I have seen in comics partner that up with the beautifully bold and bright colours making the book one of the most eye catching out there at the minute.
The creative team have created a masterpiece with this arc that evolves with every issue, this is gearing up to be an epic story arc and one definitely not to be missed.
This is Power Rangers at its finest and looks to be getting better with every issue that passes. With one of the strongest creative teams out there at the moment this is a story arc that just needs to be read.
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