Beast Beast is an upcoming coming-of-age story that explores a more sensitive topic. A topic that continues to plague our society. The upcoming film, directed by Danny Madden, is a powerful portrayal of modern teenage life that studies three young lives that are torn apart by gun violence.
It’ll be interesting to see how this film highlights issues surrounding gun violence. Particularly since it seems to be targeted towards the younger generation. It’s not something we would typically look to watch. However, after watching a documentary on the glorification of violence in movies, we’re eager to watch it. How will it portrays gun violence? And how will it tackle the consequences surrounding violence? This could be an incredibly illuminating film. We can’t imagine it being a particularly easy watch. But in this day and age, it seems like a necessary one.
Check out the official synopsis:
In a quiet suburban town, charismatic theatre lover Krista finds herself increasingly drawn to quiet new kid Nito, a talented skateboarder whose troubled home life pushes him towards a group of fellow social misfits. Meanwhile, Krista’s recently graduated neighbour attempts to turn his love of guns into viral internet stardom, only to become frustrated by his lack of video views. When a violent event with tragic results shatters their young worlds, the consequences leave simmering feelings of anger, trauma and guilt.
From the producers of Thunder Road and executive producer Alec Baldwin, Beast Beast features captivating performances from Shirley Chen, Jose Angeles and Will Madden. The directorial debut of Danny Madden, it is adapted from his short film Krista which won the first ever ‘Staff Picks Award’ at SXSW in 2018.
Don’t forget to check out the full trailer below.
What do you make of Beast Beast? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. Beast Beast will be available on Digital Download from April 30th. You can check out more film news, here.
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