Back in May we brought you the cover reveal for upcoming Black Spot Comics release Odyssey. Featuring a compelling dystopian future story from the mind of writers Nick Goode and Luke Barnes with visuals from artist Harry Hughes.
Goode and Hughes are the creative team behind GYCO favourite series Snow: The Dawn. Odyssey takes us in far in to the future of the Snow world and puts an exciting new twist on the lore.
Initially announced as a one-shot release, Odyssey will now be split in to two chapters with the first, “Pathogen”, arriving in October. To celebrate the release take a look at this updated cover artwork!
Odyssey Chapter 1: “Pathogen” will launch exclusively at Comnicon 2019 which takes place in Stavanger, Norway on October 4 and 5. Print copies will be available through the Black Spot Comics store on October 9 and digitally through Comixology.
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