I was in A&E the other day, waiting for a follow up appointment, happily reading a comic. As I turned the page the women behind me gasp in horror and exclaim ‘my god’. What comic I was reading I hear you ask? The answer is Saga. Volume three to be exact. I was rereading the previous comics in anticipation of the release of volume five (purchase your copy here) in just a few days’ time.
Saga is about two star crossed lovers in the midst of a war trying to raise their child. Sound dull?
Think again. Saga is a very graphic novel, both violently and sexually. Certainly a comic that is for adults only and maybe not to be read in such public places. The bold style of narrative makes Saga a marmite comic. You will either love it or hate it.
I love it. Saga is told from the perspective of Hazel, the daughter of Alana an ex-soldier from the planet of Landfall and Marko ex solider from the moon of Wreath. The two worlds have been at war with each other for hundreds of years, which have expanded throughout the galaxy forcing each planet and moon to take a side.
So what makes this comic so special I hear you ask? The Answer is two elements – the writing and the design.
Fiona Staples is the artist who brings this comic to life. Saga is set in a dark and twisted world dealing with difficult subjects including death, war and loss, but her bright fluid style gives the comic its brightness and the feeling of a chance of happiness when all the war is over. Pair this with Brian K Vaughan’s writing style which is gripping and fast paced, mixed, with dark humour and you have a comic book series which you won’t be able to put down.
My only criticism would be at times the narrative becomes hard to follow due to the language barrier. With the vast variety of different species in this comic who each speak a different language communication happens through the use of either rings which automatically translate whatever language that person is speaking; just like the Babel Fish from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, which only work to a certain distance. Or the other way of communication is just to know the language like we would learn a second language. While this language barrier gives authenticity to the comic it interrupts the narrative, the reader has to rely purely on the artwork which, while it gives some guidance it does not give a definitive answer.
If you like stories of adventure and romance mixed with its fair share of blood and death, then Saga is the comic series for you. If you are already hooked, like me, leave us a comment and let us know your opinion of the story so far; favourite characters? Do you agree with what has happened so far? What do you think is going to happen next? We would love to hear from you.
Stay tuned for my review of Saga Volume 5…