Author: James Lister

James is a writer for GYCO. He has a BA in Media Studies and is currently doing an MA in Media & Communication. He has been a comic book and film fan ever since he was little when his dad used to take him out of school to go and see the latest superhero/blockbuster movie. Since then, He is a massive Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Arrow, Game of Thrones, and Anime fan

Zack Snyder’s Justice League is happening whether you like it or not. This cut was originally planned for release in 2017, however Zack had to step down and at the point Warner Bros. decided to step in and edit, what appears to be, a large portion of the film. Taking on board criticisms from the previous movies, Warner decided to move in a more fun and colorful direction.

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I absolutely love the Hot Toy figures. They are incredible. Expensive but incredible. With each new release, the company’s abilities seem to improve significantly. The head sculpts, the articulation, and the overall look just improve with each new figure. Whether it’s the Mandalorian, our beloved heroes from Endgame or our favourite DC heroes. They never cease to amaze me.

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While we are all at home trying to fill our time with productivity, many have banded together to bring us entertainment we can enjoy at home. J.K. Rowling alongside Audible, Bloomsbury and numerous other companies, announced a new online resource that would allow fans to add a hint of Harry Potter magic to their new routines.

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