Author: James Lister

James is a writer for GYCO. He has a BA in Media Studies and is currently doing an MA in Media & Communication. He has been a comic book and film fan ever since he was little when his dad used to take him out of school to go and see the latest superhero/blockbuster movie. Since then, He is a massive Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Arrow, Game of Thrones, and Anime fan

When I was young I would watch Mythbusters all the time. I loved their adventures and I loved the team. Roboticist and electrical engineer, Grant Imahara, who later went on to star in his own show- White Rabbit Project, was one of the original Mythbusters and he was always brilliant at building anything electronic- robots, machines, explosives and rockets!

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In Legends, Darth Revan was once a Jedi Knight who turned to the Dark Side and became a powerful Sith Lord. Together with his apprentice, Darth Malek, they wreaked havoc across the Galaxy, lightsaber in hand and the Dark Side of the Force at their disposal. Revan was first introduced as a playable character in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic in 2003.

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