BOOM! Studios has revealed a first look at Red Before Black #2, the next issue of the violent, hyper kinetic, women-led Florida crime thriller in the tradition of 2000s-era Vertigo from Grim’s superstar writer Stephanie Phillips, the acclaimed and beloved artist Goran Sudžuka (Hellblazer, Y: The Last Man), colorist Ive Svorcina (Thor: God of Thunder, Secret Wars), and letterer Tom Napolitano (Grim, Justice League). Coming to BOOM! Studios in September 2024.
Val’s tumultuous past and an intimate look into her character and origins before Florida are revealed. Meanwhile in the present, Leo is in her crosshairs, but the operation will have to be carried out at a place with far too much collateral present…
Issue #2 features main cover art by Goran Sudžuka with Ive Svorcina and variants by Dave Johnson (100 Bullets), and Eduardo Risso (Moonshine).
BOOM! has also provided us with five preview pages from issue #2 which you can read below. If you haven’t yet read issue #1 then we highly suggest you don’t move on. Spoiler warning is in full effect!
Red Before Black #2 will be available in comic shops September 11, 2024. It is available for pre-order at your local comic shop. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers, including Kindle, iBooks, and Google Play.