Author: James Lister

James is a writer for GYCO. He has a BA in Media Studies and is currently doing an MA in Media & Communication. He has been a comic book and film fan ever since he was little when his dad used to take him out of school to go and see the latest superhero/blockbuster movie. Since then, He is a massive Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Arrow, Game of Thrones, and Anime fan

With Zack Snyder’s Justice League officially legit, Zack has been giving us regular updates on the process and what we can expect. Like with any film, there must be a trailer. While he didn’t confirm everything, fans could get another look at the highly anticipated Snyder Cut. Zack Snyder took to Twitter today to remind people of the exciting Justice Con hitting our screens this weekend- July 25-26. Along with a potential reveal, fans will also be able to enjoy plenty of panels across the weekend. Here is Zack’s Tweet. I don’t know about you, but this shouts “trailer”…

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Hot Toys have been pushing out some brand new figures today as part of their Summer Showcase 2020. Anakin Skywalker joined the epic lineup and what a figure it is. Coming from the Star Wars: Clone Wars range, Anakin dons his armor from the hit animated show. While the head sculpt remains the same, looking much like Hayden Christensen’s, Hot Toys have captured his animated outfit brilliantly. Check it out here! Some fans have expressed their disappointment towards the lack of an animated head sculpt. However, there is no denying that this new look for Anakin is pretty amazing.…

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Fans have been desperate for a sequel to Alita for a while now. Considering Disney’s acquisition of Fox, it’s hard to determine whether we’ll see more of Iron City. But with the fans shouting loudly and clearly, it could happen in the near future.

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The Bad Batch were first introduced in the final season of The Clone Wars. They were a fantastic addition to the final season and many fans were instantly attached. We simply wanted more from them. Well, it looks like the Force is with us today… say hello to Star Wars: The Bad Batch.

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Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is a fantastic book. If you’re a lover of pop culture, games, and sci-fi adventures then this book is for you. Rumors of a sequel began to circulate way back in 2015. After 5 years we finally have some incredibly exciting news.

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