After thoroughly enjoying Netlix’s animated series Blue Eye Samurai, Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin took to his blog to praise Amber Noizumi and Michael Green’s show, and we’re with Martin here. If you haven’t checked out Blue Eye Samurai, then we highly recommend adding it to your 2024 to-watch list. It is truly an animated feat with gorgeous fight scenes, fantastic characters, and a brilliantly layered story.
So, what is the relevance of George R.R. Martin and Blue Eye Samurai? Well, while the creator was praising the Netflix series, he decided to reveal some exciting news about the future of Westeros. It’s no secret that there have been numerous reports of multiple Game of Thrones spin offs, similar to House of the Dragon, in the works, but it has been a long, long time since we’ve heard about any of them.
Martin’s update seems to tease a major change for the potential projects set within Westeros. Here’s what the writer had a say:
“As it happens, HBO and I have our own animated projects, set in the world of ‘A Song Of Ice & Fire.’ None of them have been greenlit yet, but I think we are getting close to taking the next step with a couple of them.”
Originally, there were four animated series pitched to HBO, with several writers rooms, scripts, and outlines created for them. Unfortunately, two of the projects were “shelved”, meaning that there are still two remaining projects that could see the light of day.
“We have moved ‘Nine Voyages,’ our series about the legendary voyages of the Sea Snake, over from live action to animation. A move I support fully. Budgetary constraints would likely have made a live action version prohibitively expensive, what with half the show taking place at sea, and the necessity of creating a different port every week, from Driftmark to Lys to the Basilisk Isles to Volantis to Qarth to… well, on and on and on. There’s a whole world out there. And we have a lot better chance of showing it all with animation. So we now have three animated projects underway.”
The names and plots of the remaining two animated series remain a mystery, but perhaps the rumours from 2021 could provide a hint…
There were rumors of a series set in Flea Bottom, the slum district in King’s Landing, and a series which was originally titled 10,000 Ships, which was set to focus on Princess Nymeria and her journey from Essos to Dorne. Additionally, a series following Ser Duncan the Tall (Dunk) and a young Aegon V Targaryen (Egg) was confirmed by HBO in April, 2023, so there’s a chance that this particular series could be reworked into an animated series.
As of right now, there are a lot of uncertainties, but what we do know is that there will be more Game of Thrones related stories coming our way. We just don’t know when and in what format, but that’s pretty exciting, isn’t it? Game of Thrones has always been a live-action project, but imagine experiencing the many wonders of A Song Of Ice & Fire in different ways? An animted film, series, even a full-length feature film… Wouldn’t that be something?
As always, we’ll be sure to keep you posted as news comes out from King’s Landing, so keep yout eyes peeled for those ravens. You can check out more Game of Thrones related stories right here.