Alice Ever After #4 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Dan Panosian, illustrated by Giorgio Spalletta, coloured by Fabiana Mascolo and lettered by Jeff Eckleberry.
Issue #4 is available now either directly from BOOM! Studios online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
Alice, at the mercy of her father and Dr. Madsen, faces a terrifying danger, as well as a ghoulish truth that is finally revealed. The secrets she carries would be too much for her family’s reputation, and Dr. Madsen could do the unthinkable to silence her forever. Will someone who’s helped Alice in the past once again come to her aid? Or will her mind be lost forever?
In this issue we see Alice who is still locked up in the institution, supposedly for her own benefit however the intentions of Headmistress Hulda are far from Alice’s best interests at heart, if she indeed has a heart that is. Alice’s sister Edith is convinced of wrong doing at the institution however their father Dr Ludwig believes it’s for the best, but at what cost?The mind games continue as Headmistress Hulda pays Dr Ludwig a visit to convince him that Dr Madsen’s miracle curing treatment is the way forward for Alice and of course it comes at a hefty price but still Dr Ludwig doesn’t raise any concerns and is quite happy to do and pay whatever it takes to “cure” Alice.
The outlook certainly looks bleak for Alice with her access to Wonderland cut off there is no escape from the sinister goings on, the conclusion of this arc comes next and I’m on tenter hooks to see how this twisted tale plays out.
Dan Panosian has written this alternate story arc and created a far darker tale than you’ll find in the normal books, a captivating tale that makes a fantasy land feel real but also dark and twisted after this arc is over you may never think of the story of Alice the same again.
The illustrations of the book are quite dramatic, Giorgio Spalletta has done a great job in recreating a fantasy world and turning it dark, the colours from Fabiana Mascolo really make the book more intense using bold colours and striking tones that captivate the reader and creates a whole new darkened world.
A well deserved 4⭐️. Gripping story and captivating artwork making a reading experience you’ll not want to miss. The next and last issue looks like it will be an explosive ending and I cannot wait.