Shadow War Zone #1 is published by DC Comics, written by Nadia Shammas, Joshua Williamson, Stephanie Nicole Phillips and Ed Brisson, illustrations by Otto Schmidt, Sweeney Boo, Ann Maulina and Mike Bowden.
Issue #1 is available 17th May 2022 either directly from DC Comics online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
A special issue that showcases the spread and impact of the Shadow War on the DCU! Talia al Ghul has put out a hit on anyone who has ever worked with Deathstroke-and that includes Black Canary! Where has Luke Fox been? Talia is sick of watching from the sidelines and joins the battle herself! Also featuring the new villain Angel Breaker! What is her connection to Ghost-Maker?
As it says in the synsopsis, this issue is a little different. Shadow War Zone is a collection of shorts that takes a step away from the main arc to put the spotlight on a number of other characters. The multiple perspectives give the reader a multidimensional look at the arc which adds a rich level of context.
With time running out for Deathstroke, Shadow War Zone makes it clear that he won’t be going quietly in to the night. The various stories of different factions in the war adds more meat to the bones of the Shadow War event. It also adds plenty more background to the event and may well answer one or two lingering questions along the way.
The combination of writers involved in this collection of shorter stories really work well together producing an overall book that is an essential read in the Shadow War arc. I was a bit warey reading this book at first as I thought it would take the arc on a different tangent but it keeps the story going and if anything adds alot more strength. I particularly enjoyed the Inner Demon story as I felt it added more to the story of the Al Ghul family set up and showed the inner sanctum. I felt the writing from Nadia Shammas was more heartfelt and added a deeper dimension to the characters.
Over all the artistic team did an unbelievable job with the book, each page is expertly drawn with intense detail and powerful colours adding to the dramatic story as a whole, from a DC Comic title you do expect a dark and dramatic style but this book seems to elevate that to the next level adding to the overall excitement of the Shadow War arc.
A great selection of shorter stories that adds more background detail to the overall main arc. Artistically spot on with a collection of stories that captured me further into the arc.