Welcome back to GYCO Tower for episode #55 of our podcast!
This week we’re catching up on some of the biggest stories from the last fortnight including the home video release of Zack Snyder’s Justice League in the UK and the changing release dates of Universal Pictures Fast 9. In other news HBO Max’s Batgirl film has picked up new directors and Disney has set a 2022 release date for Hocus Pocus 2.
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https://soundcloud.com/user-975004496/ep-055-psycho-goreman-army-of-the-dead-and-moreNeil reviews two new movies in the form of Shudder’s PG: Psycho Goreman (available to stream now) and Lionsgate’s SPIRAL (in cinemas now).
Martin tackles Tom Taylor’s current run on DC Comics Nightwing, sharing with us more of his Boy Wonder insight in to the world of Bludhave and Dick Grayson.
Then finally together we review Zack Snyder’s latest movie, Army of the Dead which is available to stream now on Netflix.
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