Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #115 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Melissa Flores, illustrated by Simona Di Gianfelice, coloured by Raúl Angulo and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Issue #115 is available 27th December 2023 either directly from BOOM! Studios online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
In something out of a nightmare, Tommy comes face to face with pure evil and watches in horror as the unthinkable happens to his friends… Dark Specter’s power grows and spreads, pitting Zord-against-Zord as the corrupted Rangers battle their loved ones. As Mistress Vile begins to regret what she’s unleashed, two other villains may be the key to the Rangers’ only hope, and the last resort for seeking answers within the Morphin Grid!!
The Darkest Hour is upon us, Mistress Vile has unleashed the worst possible virus on the universe the effects have sent ripples far and wide spreading into the far reaches of the universe. The race is on to stop the rot and save the universe, with Dark Spectre getting more and more powerful the end is truly nigh.
Safehaven is now only safe by name as Mistress Vile is in the midst of covering the once serene town with her own personal darkness, the Rangers are doing their best to keep the darkness at bay and stop this hideous infection reaching any further but the this is a whole different enemy they are coming up against.
With the different factions of Rangers falling already to the darkness it’s becoming more and more urgent that Mistress Vile and Dark Spectre are stopped. The fight becomes personal as Kimberley is hit with the darkness, it’s not to late to save her, or is it?
As much as reading this series is killing me on the other hand I absolutely love it too, Melissa Flores is providing what I would say is some of her best writing right now the story is immense from the word go. Never before have I witnessed a story like this where the evil side gain the upper hand and the glimmer of hope is just fading fast, at this point I couldn’t even guess the outcome of this event.
The intensity and dramatic emotion of the story is mirrored in the illustrations as Simona Di Gianfelice creates a visual rollercoaster that takes you deep into the dark world that Safehaven now is. Each panel gives a darker tone to the overall story depicting a thrilling take over of the universe by the most evil of villains, the colours from Raúl Angulo add depth to the visuals that accentuate the story perfectly and help drive the story forwards.
Another great issue from the Darkest Hour event that left me in literal chills, I have no idea how this will end but at the moment all I can see is hope diminishing fast. All Rangers fans need to get reading this story arc, it really is an incredible series.