Gunslinger Spawn #27 is published by Image Comics, written by Todd McFarlane, illustrated by Dexter Soy, coloured by Ivan Nunes and lettered by Tom Orzechowski.
Issue #27 is available 27th December 2023 either directly from Image Comics online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
Gunslinger continues his mission in HELL. He is out to kill a man who can’t be killed!
This issue is a bit of a step back from the normal intensity, this issue is more of a origin story as we are introduced to a new mysterious “ally” for Gunslinger, Carl. Carl seems genuine from the outset with a similar style to Gunslinger but comes with more enhancements in more of a Cyborg way which is certainly interesting as to when this happened. The meeting of the two begins as Carl accidentally knocks Gunslinger off his bike and As Gunslinger begins to recognise Carl the story begins.
As the story goes forward it transpires that the two have a history together as Gunslinger saved Carl back in the days of the West when things became slightly hairy with the locals.
So a debt of gratitude is hanging over Carl as he feels he needs to be there to help Gunslinger in his personal mission but as the book goes on a level of suspicion grows as to the reasons for this offer of help, it may well be genuine but there is a suspicious feeling in the air and Gunslinger needs to be aware.
This doesn’t seem to be the normal pace that Todd McFarlane takes when it comes to writing but I also feel that this issue is important to the overall story arc. The suspicious introduction of Carl is an intriguing one and I get the feeling that this will be a very important character (good or bad) albeit a strangely suspicious one. Again McFarlane provides a thought provoking writing style that sees you disappearing into the pages and losing yourself within the captivating words. The story of Gunslinger looks to be turning another dangerous corner and I am looking forward to see how this all pans out.
Dexter Soy is fast becoming one of my favourite artists within the Spawn world as he once again provides the captivating intensity that has a mesmerising effect that sees you locked into the pages from beginning to end. The flashback sequences have a deep darkness to them that grows the suspicion in the story and gives a dark undertone that gives the reader that seed of suspicion that will leave you asking questions.
Another enjoyable read albeit at a slower pace than normal but it definitely feels that this will be an important part of the ongoing story. This isn’t your normal Spawn title but definitely well worth the time to read.