Following the earlier teaser trailer, Apple TV+ has now dropped the official trailer for the highly anticipated third season of The Morning Show, starring and executive produced by Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon. The 10-episode third season will premiere globally on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 with the first two episodes, followed by new episodes every Wednesday through November 8, 2023.
In season three, the future of the network is thrown into question and loyalties are pushed to the brink when a tech titan takes an interest in UBA. Unexpected alliances form, private truths are weaponized, and everyone is forced to confront their core values both in and out of the newsroom. Along with Witherspoon and Aniston and, the star-studded season three ensemble cast is led by Billy Crudup, Mark Duplass, Nestor Carbonell, Karen Pittman, Greta Lee, Jon Hamm, Nicole Beharie, and Julianna Margulies.
Check out the brand new trailer in the player below:
The Emmy, SAG and Critics Choice Award-winning drama, which has already received an early renewal for season four, is directed and executive produced by Mimi Leder, with Charlotte Stoudt serving as showrunner and executive producer. The series is produced by the studio Media Res, and executive produced by Michael Ellenberg through Media Res, along with Aniston and Kristin Hahn through Echo Films; Witherspoon and Lauren Neustadter through Hello Sunshine. Leder serves as executive producer and director.
In its first season, Crudup’s performance as Cory Ellison earned an Emmy win in the Supporting Actor in a Drama Series category, in addition to a Critics Choice Award. Aniston’s powerful performance as Alex Levy, earned a SAG Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series. Leder earned an Outstanding Directing For a Drama Series nomination for helming the season one finale. The series also received nominations from the Television Critics Association for Outstanding New Program and a TV Choice Award for Best New Drama.
The Morning Show will premiere globally on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 with the first two episodes, followed by new episodes every Wednesday through November 8, 2023.