Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Melissa Flores, illustrated by Simona Di Gianfelice, coloured by Raúl and lettered Ed Dukeshire.
Issue #105 is available 15th February 2023 either directly from BOOM! Studios online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
New players are added to the board as the Power Rangers continue their frantic search for their missing Green Ranger. Meanwhile, the Omega Rangers have encountered perils of their own… is help from one of the Power Rangers’ most twisted enemies the advantage they need, or are they being led into a trap?
In this issue we see Kevor begin his journey as he takes on the mantel of the Yellow Ranger, the training might be tough but Kevor has the most important ingredient to making a good Ranger and that’s heart. The other Rangers as they are mid search for the Green Ranger, scouring the planet looking for vital clues that will lead them to finding their fellow Ranger, a meeting with Alpha provides some relief however that relief is short lived as this Alpha different to the one the Rangers once trusted, this Alpha is now under the influence of Mistress Vile and evil is now running through his circuits.
Lord Zedd is still in the recovery bay back at base and although this once powerful foe seems a shadow of his former self I wouldn’t say he can be fully trusted, as he comes round he gives off an almost pathetic persona but is this all an elaborate facade? Knowing Zedd from old I don’t think he can be fully trusted.
I am enjoying the journey that Melissa Flores is taking us on with this new arc the past few issues have continued to grow the iconic Ranger brand and is even taking is forward in new ways, new twists and turns are on the horizon and so far it definitely looks like a series not to be missed.
The illustrations this time from Simona Di Gianfelice are strong and do a great job of highlighting the unsettled feeling within the Ranger camp. The artistic team always work to a high level and this issue is no different, I always enjoy the artwork nearly as much as the story.
A new threat is building in the background, new alliances are built that may not be trusted the Rangers need to have their wits about them. This arc is getting more intense with every issue, the Eltarian war was epic but this new threat could end up being even bigger.