Dark Crisis: War Zone #1 is published by DC Comics, written by Frank Tieri, Jeremy Adams, Matthew Rosenberg and Stephanie Williams and illustrated by Caitlin Yarsky, Serg Acuna, Fernano Parasin and George Kambadais.
Issue #1 available 6th December 2022 either directly from DC Comics online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
A BOOTS-ON-THE-GROUND VIEW OF DARK CRISIS! As the Hall of Justice falls, get new perspectives on the various conflicts while the battles across Dark Crisis rage on! With the classic Justice League members gone, see how members of the next generation such as Red Canary and The Flash Family deal with the chaos in this key chapter of the saga leading into Dark Crisis #7.
In this special one shot you get a first handed view of the battle ground of Dark Crisis from different perspectives within smaller stories giving the reader varied viewpoints. In special collection which is an integral part of the story building going into Dark Crisis #7 we see how the heroes fair after the passing of the Justice League, we see the introduction of Red Canary as she begins her journey into the new generation of heroes but she still needs to prove her worth to the team with Robin less than impressed from the start but she will have plenty of opportunities to prove what she can do in this battle. Red Canary isn’t the only one experiencing personal battles, Spectre is reunited with a familiar host, the Lanterns reunite to conquer a shadowed threat and the immortal Amazons are ready to bring the fight to the world of man. If this is the sign of things to come Dark Crisis #7 is not to be missed.
The writing team involved in this collection are some of the best around and it shows as the book creates a dramatic build up to the event of #7. Frank Tieri, Jeremy Adams, Matthew Rosenberg and Stephanie Williams combine their writing talents to create a comic masterpiece seamlessly combining the different stories giving the reader a front line view of the epic battlefield.
This epic story deserves only the best artwork and DC have brought together the finest talents, the team of Caitlin Yarsky, Serg Acuna, Fernano Parasin and George Kambadais create a visual symphony that shows the gritty battlefield at it’s darkest.
I have enjoyed the journey of Dark Crisis so far and this issue has taken it to the next level building the anticipation for #7.
It goes without saying that this would be a 5⭐️ entry, phenomenal writing and artwork creates a masterpiece that is not to be missed.