Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #102 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Melissa Flores, illustrated by Simona Di Gianfelice and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Issue #102 is available 23rd November 2022 either directly from BOOM! Studios online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
While the gravest threats to Earth seemed put to rest, the legacy that began in Go Go Power Rangers unfolds in ways no Power Rangers fans could have imagined! As the mystery of what happened on the embattled moon begins to unravel, a villain returns from the past, along with their sick and twisted creation!
In this issue we see the continuation of the story arc that last saw the possible end of Lord Zedd and the return of Rita Replusa or Mistress Vile as she prefers to be called now. In this emotionally charged issue the Rangers must take on the battle of Replusa/Vile and the onslaught of her minions but also have to deal with her powerful yet familiar new friend. The Rangers must make the heart wrenching decision to stay and fight or retreat and fight another day, but does retreating mean leaving people behind? When the next decision to be made could change the course of life itself these are the hardest to make.
I’ve always been a fan of the Rangers in their many different forms, I have said previously I was sceptical as to what would happen to the series once it hit the peak of #100 and Ryan Parrott passing on the mantra, well I had no reason to worry as Melissa Flores hs injected new life into the series and even adding a different level of emotion and bringing new layers to the storytelling, this book will leave you exhausted after you’ve finished it gives you everything but also uses all your emotions. One of the best pieces of writing I have seen in comics in recent times.
This is the first time I have come across the art work of Simona Di Gianfelice and as an introduction I was impressed with what I saw, each page is drawn with intensity and passion with the raw emotion coming through the page bringing to life the written words giving a reading experience that is not to be missed.
An incredible piece of creative work, an emotionally charged written story partnered with artwork that hits hard. If you are a Rangers fan you need to get involved with this series, it’s starting strong and will only get stronger.