Power Rangers Unlimited: Death Ranger #1 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Paul Allor, illustrated by Katherine Lobo and Kekovsky “Anna” Chandra, coloured by Fabi Marques, Sara Antonellini and Sharon Marino and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Issue #1 is available now either directly from BOOM! Studios or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
The LEGENDARY OMEGA RANGERS defended the universe from evil thousands of years ago, the six of them using their elemental powers to protect others from sinister forces. But that all changed when one key member became obsessed with death-defying powers from a terrifying source. How does this Ranger connect to what’s locked in the mysterious Omega Vault in Safehaven so many millennia later, as everything converges in the milestone comic book event CHARGE TO 100?
In this one shot special issue the battle had gone galactic as the Omega Rangers once again nattle to save the universe from evil. Although the Rangers are once again a focused force there is one Ranger that has developed an unhealthy obsession with death and how to fight against it to get rid of the feeling of grief, but messing around with powers that are greater than life itself is definitely something that you really shouldn’t be doing and if you do choose to then the consequences you face could well be catastrophic. The battle is set to get closer to home than any of the Rangers would’ve wanted.
As an introduction to the work of Paul Allor I was impressed at how multilayered the story actually was, not only do you have the epic action that Rangers fans come to expect you also have an emotionally driven story that captivates and mesmerises the reader. This story seems a little more indepth than you would normally get from a Power Ranger story but still feels like it tells an integral part of the multiverse.
The vibrant illustration styles from Katherine Lobo and Kekovsky “Anna” Chandra make the story jump from the pages making the reader feel the words they are reading making an immersive reading experience.
A bit of a different story telling style but still feels like a Ranger story at it’s core a good addition to the multiverse adding more new characters.