Mighty Morphin #22 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Mat Groom, illustrated by Moisés Hidalgo, coloured by Raul Angulo and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Issue #22 is available from 3rd August 2022 either directly from BOOM! Studios online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
A RANGER RETURNS! With their help, the team can finally stand a chance in battle, but not without consequences. Will the Rangers forge a new path together despite their differences? Meanwhile, Kim receives some much-needed perspective from a fellow Ranger, offering her a glimpse of hope for the future. As the dust begins to settle, will this Mighty Morphin team settle on a sense of identity, and discover their true role in the universe?
In this issue we see Kim and Tommy as they are trapped in the pocket dimension staring down a battle of epic proportions, it may be a battle too much for the two Rangers but they do have the prototype metallic powers in their suits and now may well be the best time to try them out, a special visitor to Kim giving them the upper hand in battle.
This issue seems to be more focused in the emotional side of the story with plenty of heartfelt moments, you still have that Ranger action that we are all fond of but this issue has a rae emotion running through it that provokes thoughts and makes you sink deeper in the arc. Mat Groom has done a great job writing a story that feels multidimensional and not just a normal action packed story, this book will stay with you long after you’ve finished.
Raul Angulo once again returns to illustrations with an immense bang, each story board is perfectly crafted to create a magically thought provoking story. The while creative team have worked well together creating a story arc that continues to grow with each passing issue.
As the Power Rangers franchise hurtles towards its 100th issue, Mighty Morphin is capping off a fascinating arc this month. We’ve followed the team through tough times and good and it’s a constant reminder why this franchise is so beloved.