Alice Ever After #1 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Dan Panosian, illustrated by Giorgio Spalletta, coloured by Fabiana Mascolo and lettered by Jeff Eckleberry.
Issue #1 is available 6th April 2022 either directly from Boom! Studios online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
Alice first visited Wonderland as a child. Now grown up, it’s become her only escape from a cold, harsh world that feels even less real—a distant family, a tormented lover, and a father with secrets he’ll do anything to protect. But in order to return to her fantasy, Alice will need something much stronger than mushrooms. . . Cursed with a growing addiction, Alice is forced into the twisted underbelly of London and pulled ever further from reality. Is her obsession with Wonderland truly a respite, or a one-way ticket to the dreaded… ASYLUM?
I think most everyone has either read or at least heard of Alice in Wonderland. However, I don’t think anyone has heard of the story told with this kind of sinister twist before.
The once sweet and innocent young Alice has now grown into a young woman but a young woman with baggage, what once brought her pleasure now is an addiction with her life now spiraling out of control to fund this addiction her only means of escape is Wonderland but to go back there means more of what is the addiction.
This story surprised me, I didn’t think I would ever see Alice in Wonderland told in such a gritty manner. Tim Burton attempted it on the big screen, but the story that Dan Panosian has created is one that hits emotionally in so many ways, a piece of writing that is both entertaining and heartfelt.
The illustrations of the book still have some of the magical vibe that you would be used to but this version is alot darker and bleak, Giorgio Spalletta has created a different style of tale that is striking but still with a magical theme, but this probably wouldn’t be the most ideal bedtime story this arc gives Alice a whole new lease of life, albeit a dark one.
A unique twist on the old tale, taking a darkened road and opening the story up to a whole new readership. I’m intrigued to see how this new story of Alice is going to unfold, it certainly is going to be an interesting tale.
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