Power Rangers Universe #1 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Nicole Andelfinger, illustrated by Simone Ragazzoni, coloured by Mattia Iacono and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Print copies of Power Rangers Universe #1 are available now, exclusively at local comic book shops or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Digital copies will be available to download from content providers like comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and Kindle.
What is the true origin of the Phantom Ranger? And what is his connection to the Morphin Grid? From the moment he first appeared 24 years ago, fans have wondered about the origins of the powerful and mysterious Phantom Ranger and how they tie to the greater Power Rangers Universe. These are questions which have never been answered—until now—in the game-changing series event that no Power Rangers fan can afford to miss!
The excitement has been building since I first saw the issue #1 first look and now the event is here, Power Rangers Universe begins a whole new story arc that promises to be the event we have all been waiting for, I’ll be honest it doesn’t disappoint.
To give the story a decent foundation and smoothly bring it into the Power Rangers multiverse we are taken back thousands of years to understand the story of The Phantom Ranger, as the name suggests up till now the character has been somewhat of a mystery or “Phantom” if you will. We get to understand the links of the Phantom Ranger to the Morphin Grid and how he generates his power.
The general story is fully action based as you would expect from a Ranger comic however it is heavily set with raw emotion as we are introduced to more new characters Morphin Masters Telosi, Rhian, Phiro, Orisanth, and Kartor who like the Rangers are tasked with protecting the universe. But there is a threat out there, unlike any threat you’ve ever seen something that could endanger the Ranger Universe as we know it. Reading a story that could potentially change the whole course of something you’ve loved for so long is definitely a thrilling read and one I simply can’t wait for more to come.
As a writer I haven’t come across Nicole Andelfinger but I would say definitely the right choice for this epic arc, she has written a story on an epic scale I was literally gripped on every word and distraught when I ran out of pages. For Rangers fans this really is an arc you need to read, something new and fresh a completely different way to take a well known and loved franchise. Simone Ragazzoni illustrations highlight the action packed story that Nicole Andelfinger is trying to portray capturing each word perfectly and makes the whole reading process a pleasure. All in all I think the creative team works well together and are perfectly placed to take this arc to great heights and I am excited to see where it will go.
Power Rangers Universe is one event I have been looking forward to and I was not disappointed. Great writing and illustration make this a must read for franchise fans.
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