You can pickup your copy of Absolute Carnage #1 now where all good comics are sold.
After turning Venom’s world upside down a year ago, DONNY CATES and RYAN STEGMAN are about to put the Sinister Symbiote through hell again, only this time CARNAGE has come calling, and everyone who’s ever worn a symbiote is dead in his sights! He’s skirted the periphery of the Marvel Universe for months, but Cletus Kasady at last stands poised to make his grand return to New York in a blistering triple-sized story…and he wants to paint the town red!
If you have been following Donny Cates journey through the world of Venom then you will have some idea of what to expect with this new event. Absolute Carnage is going to text this newly minted return-to-form for the character in ways fans could only have dreamt of and if issue #1 is anything to go by it’s going to be a wild ride!
The issue kicks off like any other Venom issue with Eddie – separated from the symbiote – and Dylan scraping by. But quickly we learn that this is unlike any other issue of Venom, unless you count that one with the dragon…
Carnage quickly interrupts the story of the down-on-their-luck pair and thrusts Eddie back in to the arms of his companion with fairly disastrous consequences.
The scope of Cate’s writing in this issue is huge. This story encompasses not only the whole symbiote mythology introduced in the pages of Venom but also several new aspects which are heavily expanded on in this issue alone.
It’s the scope of the story which has really grabbed my attention whilst reading it. Bringing in Venom and all those who have hosted it ties the story to the entire Spider-Man universe so having Peter thrown in the mix is also perfect.
Cates has created a perfect storm in the Venom world and in just this issue it’S already had some pretty far reaching consequences. This isn’t an enclosed story and you can feel it throughout. It could quite possibly be the biggest Venom story ever told.
Ryan Stegman and J.P. Mayer’S artwork is equally brilliant. There are some pure horror elements to this book and their artwork renders if beautifully. It falls completely in line with the main Venom series but takes it to a whole new level.
The cover artwork below gives you a good idea about what to expect when reading Absolute Carnage. It’s one of those books which lands so close to perfection that there’s next-to-nothing I can say to criticise it.
Absolute Carnage #1 is absolutely bonkers and I loved every second of it! The story takes huge steps in continuing to flesh out the mythos of the symbiotes in the Marvel Universe with Cates showing his trademark flare for dramatic action and storytelling.
Absolute Carnage #1 is written by Donny Cates with pencils by Ryan Stegman, inks by J.P. Mayer and colours by Frank Martin. All three also provide cover art.

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