Author: Neil Vagg

Neil is the Editor-in-Chief at GYCO. He has a BA in Film & TV and an MA in Scriptwriting; he currently works 9-5 in an office and 5-9 as a reviewer. He has been reading comics for as long as he can remember and is never far away from any book which has the word Bat in the title.

The ‘Trinity War’ kicks off in massive fashion this month. Written by Geoff Johns Art by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Oclair Albert and Rob Reis Purchase issue #22 and the rest of The New 52 JL @ Comixology. Beware of spoilers!The ‘Trinity War’ has arrived! Covering eleven issues of Justice League, Justice Leave of America, Justice League Dark, Constantine, Trinity of Sin: Pandora and Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger the story focusses on all out war between the three leagues. The plans were laid at the beginning of The New 52 with Pandora appearing in all the issue #1s…

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Season 9 of BtVS motors towards its conclusion as all parties fight their way to the core… Script by Andrew Chambliss Pencils by George Jeanty Inks by Dexter Vines Colours by Michelle Madsen Purchase your copy at Forbidden Planet now. Beware of spoilers!I realise that coming in to this series at issue #23 of 25 is a little late but going back to review the 22 issues that came before this seemed like too much of a mammoth task. For me season 9 has been a massive improvement over season 8 which I felt got massively lost in the scope…

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Nursery rhymes never looked so creepy… Directed by Rick Morales Written by Michael Ryan Watch it live on Cartoon Network USA, Saturdays @ 10:00 Beware of spoilers! This week marks the introduction of Humphrey Dumpler aka Humpty Dumpty to the ‘Beware the Batman’ universe in an incredibly fun episode which packs a huge amount of action into its 22 minute running time. Before proceeding can I just say it now… Humpty Dumpty here looks like a Sonataran! Don’t pretend you weren’t thinking it! I could quite happily start my review each week with: I love this show! I’m still surprised…

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Kowabunga dude! We flash back to 1990 with a review of the movie that brought the NInja to the UK. Directed by Steve Barron Written by Bobby Herbeck (story) & Todd W. Langen Pre-order it on Blu-Ray now @ Beware of spoilers!I thought it was about time that I reviewed something which wasn’t DC Comics and didn’t involve Batman… having recently viewed a copy of this film in it’s 1080p transfer it was naturally high on my list to review. Back in 1990 I was turning 5 years-old and like most other 5 year-olds I was obsessed with the Turtles…

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High-concept sequel to 2009 ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ doesn’t disappoint but doesn’t break new ground. Directed by James Mangold Written by Mark Bomback & Scott Frank In cinemas now! Check it out in 2D and 3D. Beware of spoilers!I’ll preface this review by saying I don’t dislike ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ but I don’t love it either. I felt that Fox – or somebody else involved in production – was worried that Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine couldn’t carry a movie by himself despite his massive popularity and so the film became overstuffed with secondary characters who added nothing to the story. ‘The Wolverine’…

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Put your earplugs in guys… it’s the return of the Siren! Cover by Mike Allred Written by Jeff Parker Art & Colours by Jonathan Case Purchase your digital copy @ Comixology now Beware of spoilers! This week Batman ‘66 has confused me a little and I can only assume that when the Penguin story makes it’s way to print this little side story featuring the Siren – played by Joan Collins in the series – will find itself as a backup at the end of the issue. The reason I’m so confused is that the digital version of this ‘chapter’ still…

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Wonder Woman goes back to the 70s for hyper stylised animated short. Written & Directed by Robert Valley Produced by No Dice INK inc. Beware of spoilers!Not being situated in the US I don’t have access to view the weekly DC Nation block on Cartoon Network. I do however regularly read about some of the animated shorts that are currently being screened as part of the block. Having seen some of the character designs for the Wonder Woman short which recently aired I was compelled to seek this three minute masterpiece out to see what all the hype was about:…

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Some ups, some downs and a whole lot of action… Directed by Sam Liu Written by Mark Banker Watch it live on Cartoon Network USA, Saturdays @ 10:00 Beware of spoilers!Last week I was critical of this show for the handling of the villain. Anarky was billed as the big villain for the series but instead of crashing in to the show at full pelt he was instead tossed in under developed. Perhaps learning from their mistakes this week we are introduced to Silver Monkey – an unkown for me – and Lady Shiva who although not seen is heard…

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Unless you have been living under a rock since the 2013 San Diego Comic Con, you will have heard that summer 2015 will be the season of ‘Batman Vs. Superman’ or is that ‘Superman vs. Batman’? The news was broken to a packed hall by director Zack Snyder and ‘Man of Steel’ co-star Harry Lennix with the news immediately going world-wide and the sounds of elated fan boys being heard across the state. We’re a year away from this film going into production and two years from it’s potential release but already the blogosphere is alive with the casting rumours,…

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The conclusion of Penguin’s first new comic book saga… Cover by Mike Allred Written by Jeff Parker Art by Tye Templeton Coloured by Wes Hartman Purchase your digital copy @ Comixology now Beware of spoilers! After an issue that left me feeling like something was missing last week this weeks conclusion to the ‘Emperor Penguin’ lights a rocket under the pace and blasts this shorter story through to a baffling conclusion. The Riddler arc which came before this lasted for three issues whereas this story is split in to two parts much like an episode of the old TV series.…

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