The events of the DC All In Special will return to haunt readers and DC Super Heroes of the DC Universe this April, as the publisher has announced plans for “We Are Yesterday,” the first major crossover of DC’s All In publishing initiative. Fan-favorite storyteller Mark Waid is joined by an incredible roster of co-writers and artists to helm parts one to three of this story, taking place in the pages of Batman/Superman: World’s Finest, Justice League Unlimited, and the Batman/Superman: World’s Finest 2025 Annual.
On April 16, Gorilla Grodd takes center stage as “We Are Yesterday” kicks off inBatman/Superman: World’s Finest #38. The Man of Steel and the Dark Knight will be hard-pressed as it is to keep up with the psychic powers of DC’s sinister simian, but this time there’s something different, as if Grodd has knowledge of the future. And it remains to be seen what any of this has to do with the death of Darkseid! In addition to the first of three connecting main covers by artist Dan Mora, Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #38 features variant covers by Gavin Guidry, Adrían Gutiérrez, and Elizabeth Torque, plus an April Fools’ Day variant cover by Brandt & Stein.
Readers should buckle up for a wild ride as part two unfolds in Justice League Unlimited #6, where the horrific hidden identity of the Inferno cult is revealed! What does this have to do with Lex Luthor, The Joker, Cheetah, and some of the most dangerous super-villains in the DC Universe’s plan to take down the Justice League?
Writer Waid and artist Travis Moore are staging one of the biggest throwdowns of DC All Inwhen this issue hits comic book shops on April 23. This issue features the second of three connecting covers by Justice League Unlimited artist Mora, with variant covers by Lee Bermejo, Nathan Szerdy, Dan Jurgens, Felipe Massafera, and Moore.
Part three of this blockbuster story arrives on April 30 in the Batman/Superman: World’s Finest 2025 Annual, written by Waid, Christopher Cantwell, and Morgan Hampton with art by Dan McDaid and Clayton Henry. The secret origin of the Legion of Doom is finally revealed, and DC’s worst super-villains have set in motion a scheme to lay waste to Batman, Superman, and the Justice League Unlimited. This exciting issue also presents the World’s Finest debut of John Stewart, the newest ring slinger of Sector 2814. Mora provides the third of three connecting main covers, with variant covers by Henry, Salvador Larroca, and Laura Braga.