Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #148 is published by IDW Publishing, written by Sophie Campbell and illustrated by Vincenzo Federici and Fero Pe.
Issue #148 is available now with online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
With Armaggon traveling further and further back in time, Donatello begins to wonder just when he’s going. And while Donnie plans, an ally shows their hand…
In this issue Donnie and future Leo and the rest of the gang have arrived back in future Mutant City and it’s here that Donnie expects to find out exactly what Armaggon is up to and exactly how he will be able to get Leonardo back or even if he ever will. In the previous issue we learnt of Bob’s hidden agenda having basically sold his soul on the promise of returning back to his human form the burden of keeping this hidden has become too much and now is the time to come clean but what would that mean for Donnie and his team?
In the present time April, Leo and Carmen are still trying to trace the virtual spaces to find a way to reunite the Turtles once again, April and Carmen keep suffering from these strange unexplained black outs, could these be connected to Armaggon? Allies appear to help the cause which could prove valuable in the fight for the universe, but who are they?
Armaggon is travelling through time to wipe out the Turtles but exactly how far back is he planning on going?, could he potentially completely wipe the Turtles from all memory, time is definitely of the essence and Armaggon must be stopped.
I am really enjoying this series in a different way to the Saturday Morning Adventures series, where that has the nostalgic feel to it this is a more intense series that’s more of a darker story and it’s a credit to Sophie Campbell as she takes the Turtles on a different path that gives them a new depth but still keeping the Turtles vibe we all love.
The illustrations of the book are top drawer, Vincenzo Federici and Fero Pe use their talents to great effect as the dark time travelling story is brought to life, I especially like the depiction of Mutant City definitely giving Blade Runner vibes and the Armaggon sequences are eye popping.
Another great issue as the series hurtles towards #150 a dramatic race against time that will have your heart pumping as your eyes remain glued to the pages. This series is definitely not to be missed.