The live-action adaptation of How To Train Your Dragon, directed once again by the brilliant Dean DeBlois, has officially entered production. The director, who helmed the animated trilogy, took to social media to share a first-look from behind the scenes.
Stood behind some very viking-looking doors, most likely the entrance to Berk itself, the director can be seen holding a clapper board signalling the very first day of filming. With this in mind, perhaps we’ll see some of the costumes and sets very soon. As big fans of the franchise, we can’t wait to see how the world of dragons will be brought to life. What will live-action Toothless look like? That’s the biggest question here, right?
Mason Thames and Nico Parker are set to star as Hiccup and Astrid, Gerard Butler will return as Hiccup’s father Stoick the Vast, and Shaun of the Dead star Nick Frost will play Gobber the Belch.
Based on the book series by Cressida Cowell, How To Train Your Dragon follows a misfit viking called Hiccup who befriends a Nightfury. Together, Hiccup and Toothless redefine the hostile relationship between Viking and Dragon. The popular franchise has generated over $1.6 billion at the worldwide box office, and has ventured far beyond the big screen with multiple TV series and live shows.
How To Train Your Dragon is set to soar onto the big screen on June 13th, 2025. Are you excited for this adaptation? Let us know in the comments. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for more news from Berk.