Crunchyroll, the ultimate home for anime world wide, has announced the upcoming home entertainment release of Suzume directed by auteur filmmaker Makoto Shinkai. The Golden Globe-nominated film will coming to DVD and Blu-ray in the UK on April 1, 2024.
In our five-star review of the film James said “Suzume is a beautiful and sweeping epic that is both action-packed and deeply emotional. Filled with enthralling animation, brilliant characters, and an outstanding soundtrack by Radwimps, Suzume is an instant hit that’ll have anime fans around the world gleaming with joy. Makoto Shinkai has delivered something truly special and unique, once again proving the power of animation.”
In case you missed it at the cinema, watch the film’s trailer in the player below:
Four editions of the film will be available to fans on release day:
- DVD Regular Edition
- Blu-ray Regular Edition
- DVD & Blu-ray Steelbook Edition
- DVD & Blu-ray Limited Edition
Details about content, extra features, and price will be shared soon. A Blu-ray 4K edition is also scheduled for release later in the year.
The film had its international premiere in February 2023 at the Berlin International Film Festival (“Berlinale”), marking the first time that an anime feature film screened in the coveted competition section in over two decades. The film was met with critical acclaim and went on to gross over $300 million worldwide during its initial theatrical run, making it the fourth highest-grossing anime film of all time. The film also earned a 96% critics score and 98% audience score on making it “Certified Fresh.” Suzume has recently been nominated for the World Soundtrack Awards “Discovery of the Year” and the Asia Pacific Screen Awards “Best Animated Feature Film,” and last week, a Golden Globe nomination for Best Animated Feature. The film was also awarded Outstanding Achievement in Music at the 46th Japan Academy Awards.
Suzume is the latest film from auteur Makoto Shinkai. Shinkai has been a visionary in the animation space for decades, with the most recent films being Your Name. (2016) and Weathering With You (2019), both of which have catapulted him as a leading animation filmmaker with international viewers. Weathering With You was selected as Japan’s entry for the best international feature film category of the 2020 Academy Awards and nominated in four categories in the 47th annual Annie Awards including best animated independent feature.
The critically acclaimed film hit cinemas globally in April of this year, and was distributed by Crunchyroll, in partnership with Sony Pictures Entertainment, Wild Bunch International, Wild Bunch Germany, and Eurozoom (excluding Asia).