Spawn #347 is published by Image Comics, written by Rory McConville, illustrated by Carlo Barberi and Ze Carlos, coloured by Jay David Ramos and lettered by Tom Orzechowski.
Issue #327 is available 15th November 2023 either directly from Image Comics online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
Groups from all sides of the battlefield are starting to converge on the empty Throne of Hell. Meanwhile, Al makes a decision that could affect the course of humanity.
We start this issue with a bit of a flash back centuries ago as Violater looks over a tied up and heavily beaten Cogliostro, a man with a completely different look in his eye than he has today. This meeting of the two evil figures gives an understanding to what has produced the driven, power hungry being we are confronted with today, fast forward to today and having had one failed attempt at getting his hands on Hell’s Throne centuries ago this time we are looking at a far more determined and calculated Cogliostro, a very dangerous being indeed.
In the background Spawn and the other Hellspawn are hatching a plan to reach Hell’s Throne before Cogliostro gets there first and wipes out this planet we call home forever. The relationships between the remaining group is beginning to fracture as they look at Spawn’s intentions with growing mistrust.
All along Spawn has said that he needs to get to the Hell’s Throne before the others to save humanity, but is that the only reason? The temptation of power is beginning to look more the likely option, but the mysterious apparition that appears at the end may well change the path that Spawn wants to continue on.
At this point the creative team behind the Spawn multiverse could get together and re write the phone book and it would be a gripping read, the writing throughout all the different veins is the best in comics right now. Rory McConville writes an intriguingly gripping story that is beginning to unravel this race for the Throne, one of the best events I have witnessed in comics. The story had me gripped from the beginning but now the story has evolved and different levels have been added that has allowed the story to organically grown to the mammoth we have right now.
A story this good deserves the best illustrations and the person you can definitely count on is Carlo Barberi, producing some of the best work I have seen in comics. The illustrations open up your imagination and interject you within this dark world, you physically feel each thrill and chill with every turn of the page.
An event like no other, the race for Hell’s Throne is at fever pitch but I’m getting the feeling what I thought was going to happen is about to be completely blown apart and I am definitely excited to see what’s next.