Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Darkest Hour #111 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Melissa Flores, illustrated by Simona Di Gianfelice, coloured by Raúl Angulo and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Issue #111 is available now either directly from BOOM! Studios online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
Mistress Vile has won, or so it seems, with control of the Grid and Dark Specter’s infections spreading through the universe! As if an epic battle between Vile and the Vessel wasn’t enough, the separated and stranded Rangers receive help from the last team they’d expect, but it may not be the help they were hoping for…
In this issue we are taken into The Darkest Hour, what could well be the event to change the Power Ranger universe forever. Mistress Vile has now succeeded in achieving what was thought to be the impossible, infecting the Morphin Grid. Opening the door for the physical appearance of one of the most dreaded villains in the Power Ranger world, Dark Spectre. The Rangers are split into different zones separating the groups and separating their chance for survival looking less and less likely that they will be available to stop Mistress Vile before it’s too late, or is it already past that point? The Darkest Hour is a worrying event to be unfolding within the Rangers universe, this may well be a game changer who is going to save the world? Or more is the question of how can it be saved?
I’ve always been a fan of the Power Rangers multiverse in all it’s different guises but recently I have become captivated with the writing of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series thanks to the incredibly talented Melissa Flores who has managed to elevate this series taking it from the amazing achievement of reaching #100 issues and injecting a new lease of life into this much loved brand allowing it to evolve and move forwards towards the next big event which may well be the biggest we have ever seen. Each book is an emotional journey as we feel the passion and angst on each page. Any worries I had about them stretching the brand out too far have since been forgotten as Melissa has taken this story up a notch and I am definitely here for the ride.
Being a fan of the Power Rangers comics I am used to the incredible artwork that comes with most of the books and this issue is definitely an eye catching read with phenomenal artwork from Simona Di Gianfelice, supplying what I would say is some of her best work making Mistress Vile look at her very worse and the panels that show the infected morphin grid were stunning. Not just giving Simona all the plaudits for this one let’s not forget legendary colourist Raúl Angulo who adds the colour to a world that is set to become very dark. This issue was a one hit read meaning I just couldn’t put it down the creative team have out done themselves with some phenomenal work creating this masterpiece.
A series that I have enjoyed throughout just become a whole lot better, the Darkest Hour is set to be the event not to be missed this year and I am definitely looking forward to see the fall out and if the Rangers can indeed save the world from total destruction. An event not to be missed.