The DC Universe is gearing up to take another dive into the world of anime. During their panel at Anime Expo, Warner Bros unveiled an all-new anime series in collaboration with the legendary WIT Studio (Attack On Titan, Spy x Family, Ranking Of Kings). The new show, titled Suicide Squad ISEKAI, will drag the infamous villains of the DC universe out of their world and throw them into a fantasy realm rich with new creatures and environments… The perfect place to unleash a full dose of chaos.
Directed by Jujutsu Kaisen‘s animation director Eri Osada, Suicide Squad ISEKAI will take fans on a brand new adventure, unlike anything they’ve ever seen. Anime fans will of course be familiar with the term “Isekai”, but for those who aren’t here’s a brief explanation. Literally meaning “Different World”, Isekai’s have become one of the most popular genres in anime, especially within the last decase. With shows like Sword Art Online, Konosuba, RE:Zero, and Saga of Tanya The Evil, the Isekai genre typically involves transporting an ordinary person from the real world into a fantasy setting. It’s that simple. When you think about it, that genre isn’t exclusive to Japanese animation. For Western audiences, we have stories like The Chronicles of Narnia and The Wizard of Oz.
Details are pretty scarce for the time being, but we do know that Tappei Nagatsuki and Eiji Umehara, who both worked on RE:Zero, will be writing the series. Harley Quinn and Joker will be the main leads with other members of the Suicide Squad appearing alongside them. Osada, who arrived on stage dressed as DC’s Katana, made it clear that their version of Joker will deviate from what we’re used to. “Everybody has their favorite version of Joker,” Osada said. “We ultimately decided to not copy any particular iteration and have something completely unique.”
It’s also worth noting that DC gave Osada permission to give these iconic characters magical powers. So prepare yourself for absolute chaos as Harley, Joker, and other villains from the DC universe are unleashed on a fantasy world that has no idea what’s coming for them…