Blade Runner: Black Lotus #3 is published by Titan Comics, written by Nancy Collins, illustrated by Enid Balam and coloured by Marco Lesko.
Issue #3 is available 5th October 2022 either directly from Titan Comics online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
Elle, aka Black Lotus, hoped she could leave behind her violent past and find a new life. But is that possible in a world where Replicants are still hunted and feared?
After the last issue when Boss Barnes attacked the settlement with the aim of assassinating Miguel, unfortunately for him they failed but they did manage to get to Miguel in the worst possible way, kidnapping Nyoko and Kaja the two people that mean the most to Miguel, this has just got personal.
It’s down to Elle to embark on a solo rescue mission armed with just the katana sword that Miguelchas passed onto Elle, with the knowledge that Elle was made for this type of combat, time is of the essence the fate of Miguel’s family is in Elle’s hands. As the book progresses we see the rescue mission in full flow with Elle taking on the femme fatale mantra and single handedly taking down Boss Barnes’s army of goons. This rescue mission has to be a success for the sake of Nyoko and Kaja and if anyone is up for the job then my money is definitely on Elle but from a different angle this mission is going to create an enemy in Boss Barnes and having such a powerful overlord as an enemy could prove dangerous.
The writing style of Nancy Collins is powerful and empowering with a story that is just getting better and building to an intense conclusion, a modern David and Goliath style story that ticks all the right boxes for sci-fi action fans.
The illustrations of the book are again phenomenal, the team of Enid Balamon illustrations and Marco Lesko on colours combine to produce art on masterpiece level, each panel is pack with extraordinary detail highlighting the written story in the best way.
This series has me hooked each issue has gripped me further into the dystopian world making me feel like I am living the story. An empowering story that is building to an exciting ending that I can’t wait to get my hands on.