Shadow War Omega #1 is published by DC Comics, written by Joshua Williamson, illustrated by Stephen Segovia, Mike Henderson and Howard Porter.
Issue #1 is available 31st May 2022 either directly from DC Comics online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
THE SHADOW WAR’S EPIC CONCLUSION! The shocking finale of the Shadow War! Lives have been lost. Heroes and villains have fallen in battle. And now the real mastermind behind the Shadow War has been revealed. But they are far from done! Batman and Robin are all that’s left to put a stop to their real plans. Can the father-and-son duo work together to save the day? Events in this issue lead directly into DC’s next big summer event!
In this issue we see the continuation of the Shadow War story arc which also sees the ending of it at the same time. In the last part we saw the killer of Ra’s Al Ghul and imposter Deathstroke unmasked as Geo Force, a most powerful blast from the past that has a major grudge to bare against Talia and will not stop until he stops the “Al Ghul” Bloodline. Posing as Deathstroke was an elaborate ploy to get closer to Talia. There is one brick wall for him to break through in the shape of one Dark Knight. The events that unfold sees the most epic and bloody battle as Batman and Robin fight to save Talia and stop Geo Force before he rips a big whole in their family. This issue sees the end of a phenomenal story arc but also opens the doors to the next big event that will begin to unfold in DC Comics soon.
Joshua Williamson has again expertly written a story that brings everything to the table, we have non stop action combined with deep emotion and the fight of family values. Each issue of the Shadow War arc has blown me away and this is no different.
The artistic teaming of Stephen Segovia, Mike Henderson and Howard Porter provide the most eye catching illustrations I have seen in comics, an epic storyline deserves artwork to compliment that and this team have done that and more by bringing the epic Shadow War to life with each page brimming with incredible detail.
A phenomenal story arc comes to an end, each issue blew me away, a creative masterpiece that has created a very different looking DC world for the future, I definitely look forward to see what comes next.