Cop Secret is distributed by Vertigo Releasing, directed by Hannes Þór Halldórsson and stars Auðunn Blöndal and Egill Einarsson. The film is due for digital release 23rd May 2022.
COP SECRET recasts the buddy cop action genre in Iceland, where Bussi, a tough ‘Super Cop’, begins to lose his cool when he’s assigned a new partner – the suave, cultured and self-declaredly pan-sexual Hordur Bess – fighting an inner struggle while investigating a string of bank robberies where nothing seems to have been stolen.
If you have seen some of my film reviews you would have noticed I am a but of a sucker for a good action film, now on first glance Cop Secret is right up that street but look a little deeper and there’s a bit more to the normal beer and pizza movie here.
Bussi (Blöndal) is your average gritty cop who has spent most of his live digging himself out of the gutter aswell as keeping the streets of Reykjavik safe, so far nothing has stopped him dubbed the quintessential “rogue cop” that gets results regardless of how close he sails to the law. Life is good as the number one cop on the streets that is until Hordur Bess starts to hit the headlines with his cop heroics, with his model good looks and silky charm he definitely is a force ro be reckoned with.
But underneath all this bravado and fist pumping Bussi is struggling to come to terms with his sexuality and he is embarrassed to let out.
The film handles itself well, it does all the action stuff pretty good but also covers the topic of sexuality really well. It doesn’t shy away from the fact that in this day and age in some communities it still isn’t OK for a stereotypical tough guy to be gay.
Hannes Þór Halldórsson doesn’t shy away from the sensitive subject of sexuality but instead kind of makes fun of people’s perception around the subject, the film constantly keeps it’s tongue firmly in it’s cheek and the film works really well because of this. The film mixes the hard hitting messages with shoot outs and car chases galore with the mood lightened perfectly at times with comedic moments thrown in.
A witty, entertaining and overall enjoyable watch from director Hannes Þór Halldórsson. Whilst it might appear like a typical action flick, there is far more beneath the surface.