Roughly one year ago members of the press were invited to the ‘Wonder Woman’ set. Flash forward a year and those same journalists were invited back to the edit bay. Now we’re starting to see those reports hit the web as the embargo on publishing them lifts. To celebrate Warner Bros. has also release a new photo of Gal Gadot in costume.
Collider brings us perhaps the most detailed report in its article ‘Wonder Woman: 50 Things to Know…’. They include a scene description which currently whipping the internet up in to a storm:
The scene begins with Wonder Woman, Trevor, and their crew going through the trenches, trying to figure out how to get around the fighting. Wonder Woman is confused about why they are trying to avoid battle, and learns from a scared civilian woman than other civilians have been forced into slavery by the German troops. While Trevor tries to make the case that they need to stay on mission, thats not good enough for Wonder Woman. She climbs out of the trench and starts charging at the enemy line. The German troops fire on her, but she deflects bullets with her bracelets and then deflects mortars with her shield. Trevor realizes that Wonder Woman is drawing the enemy fire, so he and his fellow soldiers climb out of the trench and follow Wonder Woman into battle.
The author notes that the gathered press were all jaded comic book movie fans. They also note that after witnessing the scene they were all left giddy with excitement. They also ask a very pointed question to director Patty Jenkins about the tone of the film to which she had the following to say:
All I can say is that from my point of view, there is no mandate on tone that I experienced. So I think every filmmaker is making their own movie in the tone that they see right for that movie. So I have no pressure on me to not do the same. So I came in saying, SUPERMAN 1 and Its an origin story and casting Chris, who I knew and was so funny, and all of these things. And they were seeing it shape up as what it shaped up as and supporting it. I think that will also be true with AQUAMAN and FLASH all of those movies. I dont think there is one tone. I think maybe Christopher Nolan had a serious tone, and Zack [Snyder] has a different tone that is also serious in a different way. So I think it became a perception that there was one tone, but thats not what I had heard. I heard that there were these different superheroes and I was coming in to make one. And I was supported it making it the tone I wanted to make it.
Head over to the Collider website for all of their behind-the-scenes gossip!
‘Wonder Woman’ hits cinemas on June 3rd, 2017.