Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #108 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Melissa Flores, illustrated by Marco Renna, coloured by Francesco Segala and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Issue #108 is available 17th May 2023 either directly from BOOM! Studios online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
Set in the past, Rita retrieves the mysterious Vessel with one of her close allies, who is shocked to discover The Vessel’s true identity! In a chain of emotional events, The Vessel himself will have to contend with where his allegiance will lie in the end. Will he be friend or foe for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?
In this issue we take a bit of a step back as we see Rita Repulsa as she frees “Vessel” from it’s frozen chamber with the plan of giving it a new lease of life, albeit an evil one. The Vessel is sent to earth to infiltrate the Power Rangers and hit them where it hurts, the inner sanctum. Zordon must face the vessel but it all seems familiar, a path must be chosen but which will be the choice? Can good overcome evil or will evil prevail?
The writing of this book in particular really got my excitement levels up again as the outcome of what is going on could be epic in stature and could blow the multiverse wide open. Melissa Flores certainly knows how to write a story that has you gripped to the edge of your seat but also builds up the anticipation for what is to come next. As I have said before I was apprehensive when the series hit issue #100 as I thought that would’ve been it’s natural ending and anything after that would be too much, but I was proven wrong as there is plenty of life left in this series and with each issue adding to the drama and anticipation I can see no signs of this slowing down any time soon.
The illustrations of the book are again of the highest level, Marco Renna is definitely one of the best artists in the industry right now and it shows in every panel, the illustrations add life to each word that makes the reader physically feel the emotion and physical pain that makes the story more immersive and the colours from Francesco Segal really makes the page pop when it catches your eye. The creative team are definitely setting the industry bar with this issue.
Another powerhouse issue, an emotional twist that brings a heightened level of anticipation for what is to come. I can’t fault this near perfect issue and not do I want to, bring on the next issue!