Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Melissa Flores, illustrated by Simona Di Gianfelice, coloured by Raúl Angulo and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Issue #107 is available 19th April 2023 either directly from BOOM! Studios online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
Zedd is more powerful than ever, while Grace’s second in command keeps a past plan alive, which may provide a cutting edge in the battle with Dark Specter… or prove to be the Rangers’ undoing. Meanwhile, Mistress Vile finds the ultimate use for the Vessel, whose identity finally comes to light!
In this issue the Rangers are preparing for the ultimate battle as the impending invasion of Mistress Vile is on their heels they have to move fast, a captured Alpha-1 proves to be full of useful information when probed and reveals most of the Mistress’ evil plan giving the Rangers a vital advantage. Meanwhile a once prisoned Lord Zedd is now free and thanks to energy stolen from Zordon he is now stronger than ever and Grace unable to contain him the Rangers are in grave danger. A person who once claimed to be an ally and a changed man Zedd was plotting behind their backs to become the strongest version of himself he has ever been and now with this power vows to take down Mistress Vile but the Rangers need to be aware of this new threat. Mistress Vile reveals her powerful vessel that the Rangers will be all too familiar with making for an intense battle for Earth. As the book comes to a close a familiar face shows up making for an interesting next issue indeed.
As usual this issue has been everything I wanted from a Rangers comic, action packed with plenty of twists and turns that keeps me on the edge of my seat. Melissa Flores always provides an intense story that grips you from the start and doesn’t let go through out leaving you feeling exhausted at the end, a strong story that provides a spring board to the next issue which I am sure will be more intense again.
Simona Di Gianfelice and Raúl Angulo provide the illustrations and colours once again and the artwork is stunning, both the art and colour grabs your eyes and hypnotizes you and takes you on a wild journey, a rollercoaster of action packed drama.
This issue once again gave me everything I wanted from a Power Ranger comic, it has action on every page with an intense story that is building up to another epic event which looks to be the most explosive yet. Questions are beginning to be answered and things are becoming clear this series is set to be the most exciting yet.