To celebrate the monumental 30th Anniversary of the hugely influential Mighty Morphin Power Rangers franchise, writer Adam Cesare (Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal), and Mighty Morphin artist Moisés Hidalgo (Dark Blood), along with colorist Arthur Hesli (Heavy Metal Magazine), and letterer Ed Dukeshire (Irredeemable) enter the Grid this summer with Power Rangers Unlimited: The Coinless–a new 40-page one-shot from BOOM! Studios, available June 2023.
As if the medium-spanning, fan-favorite villain Drakkon wasn’t enough of a threat, Mistress Vile has special plans of her own… ones that will bring the Rangers’ greatest foe into our world! But this scheming isn’t without consequences for Drakkon, and he’ll have to take a page from Zordon’s book if he wants the world of The Coinless to survive.
Adam Cesare is the writer of the Bram Stoker Award-winning Clown in a Cornfieldseries, the comic Dead Mall (with artist David Stoll), and several other novels and novellas including the cult hit Video Night. An avid fan of horror cinema, you can watch him talk about movies on YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, and the rest of his socials.
“I got to work in the world of the Power Rangers once before, a short story way back during Shattered Grid, and I’ve wanted back in ever since. And to get to help tell this story? Drakkon assembling a new team of rangers? And the Coinless world is super messed up so the storytelling’s coloring with shades of George Romero and Mad Max? And Moisés Freakin’ Hidalgo? Come on. This is incredible,” said Cesare.
Moisés Hidalgo is one of the newest freelance comic book artists and illustrators living in Santiago, Chile. Influenced by American comics and manga, he’s been drawing for four years, after studying at the Arcos Professional Institute of Art and Communications in Santiago, Chile. Active in the industry since 2018, he was published with Ariete and ActionComics in his home country. In 2020, he worked on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in 2021 he worked on Dark Blood, and from 2020 to 2022 he was the series artist for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers at Boom! Studios.
“Coming back to work with Power Rangers and Boom! Studios is such a special thing for me. As another Chilean (Pedro Pascal) says ‘This is the way.’ Adam´s scripts are really fantastic, and it’s a joy to draw each page. We are all doing our best work for all fans of the Power Rangers universe,” said Hidalgo.
The book features a standard cover by Dan Mora (Once & Future), and variant covers by Goñi Montes (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) and Stephanie Hans (Journey into Mystery).
“Bringing back Adam to write this horror-infused Power Rangers one-shot was a no-brainer. Seeing his vision come to life with the incredible art from Moisés is a treat for every Power Rangers fan, and is a story I’m incredibly proud of,” said editor Allyson Gronowitz.
Currently, Power Rangers is celebrating 30 continuous years on the air, making it one of the longest-running kids’ live-action series in television history, with over 900 episodes aired to date. Created by Haim Saban and launched in 1993 with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the series celebrates its 30th year with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always, an anniversary special coming exclusively to Netflix on April 19, 2023. The 30th overall season of Power Rangers, “Power Rangers: Cosmic Fury,” premieres Fall 2023 exclusively on Netflix in the U.S.
Power Rangers Unlimited: The Coinless will be available in comic shops June 28, 2023. It is available for pre-order at your local comic shop. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers, including comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and Kindle.