Alice Ever After #3 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Dan Panosian, illustrated by Giorgio Spalletta, coloured by Fabiana Mascolo and lettered by Jeff Eckleberry.
Issue #3 is available now, either directly from BOOM! Studios or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
Alice has found refuge in the ASYLUM, but she might not be as safe as she thinks. An overdose leads to the realization that there’s something wrong with the Cheshire Cat’s teeth, and a monstrous memory from Alice’s childhood resurfaces to bite off another piece of her sanity! To make things worse, Alice seems to have become an object of fascination for greedy Headmistress Hulda and sadistic Dr. Madsen.
In this issue we see the continuation of this dark twisted fantasy that Alice is beginning to live, still living her life within the institution things have got a little worse (if that could be possible) for Alice after she was caught snooping around the basement and as a result sedated by what you could only describe as a sedative that I doubt is used on the NHS, resulting in Alice being transported back to her safe haven of Wonderland but things are weird, even by Wonderland’s standards. A meeting with the Cheshire Cat gets a little more twisted as she is given some sort of substance. Back in the real world things are about to get alot more sinister for Alice as the evil Headmistress Hulda and her equally evil doctor Dr Madsen are plotting something that looks to involve Alice, according to Headmisteress it’s for the greater good of the institution not her financial gain. A dark twisted fairytale is about to get alot darker and sinister in the coming editions.
Dan Panosian does a great job in telling this unique story but with it still feeling familiar, the story is deep and hard hitting but at the same time fans of the original Alice in Wonderland will still relate to the story being told, an age old story retold for the modern times and it works really well.
The illustrations from Giorgio Spalletta provide the suitably dark tone to the dark story, even Wonderland looks sinister, each page captivates with dramatically dark tones and the colours from Fabiana Mascolo create a dark and mystical masterpiece.
Alice Ever After is heading down a dark path. Elements of the iconic story are beginning to come together and I have no doubt this series will go far.
A series that seems it will most definitely be getting darker as things are beginning to happen allowing the story arc to develope and take shape into iconic series, this story arc definitely has the potential to go far.