Mighty Morphin #20 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Mat Groom, illustrated by Moisés Hidalgo, coloured by Raul Angulo and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Issue #20 is available now either directly from BOOM! Studios online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
Back in the Lion Galaxy, the Ranger’s plan to acquire the Command Center takes a dire turn, but help arrives from an unexpected source! Back on Earth, the battle against King Aradon rages on—and not in the Rangers’ favor. Can Rocky’s resilience carry them through, even with Zordon’s absence?
In this issue the Rangers continue on their physical rebuild as they endeavour to acquire a new command centre but things don’t go to plan and take a dramatic turn putting plans in a state of confusion and potentially in jeopardy, but that isn’t the only issue that the Rangers need to deal with as back on Earth there is still attack from King Aradon and his henchmen to tackle. The Rangers have it all to do as they take the battle to the King’s men but in true Ranger fashion they won’t take this lying down and face adversity head on no matter the danger, it’s time for certain Rangers to stand up and be counted.
The Mighty Morphin series has had me hooked from the start way back at the first issue, Mat Groom has injected his personal flair into the arc to not only take the story forward but keep it relevant and fresh. Each issue gets more and more intense with the ending always leaving me wanting more, an incredibly infectious writing style that jas really opened up the Mighty Morphin world.
For the illustrations it just had to be Moisés Hidalgo with his trademark style that keeps the Mighty Morphin comics looking vibrant and sharp with dramatic tones partnered with the bold colouring from Raul Angulo creating a visual symphony that opens up the imagination and invests your mind into the action packed story.
This issue is another masterpiece from the creative powers behind the Power Rangers multiverse, after 20 issues it still feels vibrant and fresh with each issue investing me further into the arc.