Mighty Morphin #19 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Mat Groom, illustrated by Moisés Hidalgo, coloured by Raul Angulo and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Issue #19 is available 11th May 2022 directly from Boom! Studios online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers .
Rocky, Matt, Zordon, and the children have a moment of relative safety in the temporary Promethea Base, but it can only last so long as the force field holds… Meanwhile, plans go into motion over the capital planet of the Lion Empire while conflict erupts back on Earth. Can the Rangers hold the line against King Aradon and save the damaged Power Rangers Headquarters?
In this issue we see a fragmented Power Ranger team as half go after the new outpost and the others stay in the relative safety of the Promethea Base but the safe side of things will only last as long as the safety shield lasts an thanks to King Aradon and his determination to breech the shield and take over what is left of the planet, with the Green Ranger the only one left at base it may well be down to only him to stand against King Aradon or at best stall him until the others can secure the new outpost.
This issue sees a new writer enter the mix with the acclaimed Mat Groom bringing an intense action packed story that gets the true core of the Power Ranger multiverse but giving it a fresh viewpoint. For a series to keep the arc interesting and exciting issue after issue is a credit to the strength of the multiverse that has been created.
Raul Angulo returns again with the art bringing a vibrant and striking style that seems to be a personal style. Each page is crammed with intense detail that invigorates the reader’s imagination taking them on an action packed ride.
Another intense, action-filled Rangers story that has left me ready for more. Both Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers continue showing the potential to develop yet another epic arc.