Mighty Morphin #18 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Matt Groom, illustrated by Moisés Hidalgo, coloured by Raul Angulo and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Issue #18 is available from 13th April 2022 either directly from Boom! Studios online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
With the combined efforts of Promethea and the Zords protecting the Power Chamber, Rocky, the Red Ranger, and Matt, the Green Ranger, wait in tense anticipation for the return of the Away Team. Emotions run high as Zordon acknowledges a hidden history involving him and Promethea, and how much the War has affected him, while Rocky is torn on different responsibilities that might be irreconcilable without help…
This issue takes a more fragmented approach as part of the team are left at home as the other go on the hunt for one of the Eltarian Outposts they need to get the headquarters back online, just an easy mission you would have thought but nothing is ever that easy with the Rangers coming up against some big resistance that have mistaken their intentions as an attack which in turn causes unneeded hostilities for the Rangers, definitely something they can do without. The overall unnerving sense of unrest seeps through the story as you just know that something is brewing in the background and I have a feeling we are on the edge of another epic arc.
The story of Mighty Morphin goes from strength to strength. With Matt Groom sat comfortably at the helm there is no danger of it failing to evolve in the right way. I really like the way Matt has written the story to feel more relatable to the reader which makes for a more enjoyable reading experience. Every Mighty Morphin comic so far has been a mix bag of action and full emotion which brings a different dimension to the reading and let’s the reader delve deeper into the story.
The illustrations from Moisés Hidalgo never ceases to capture my gaze, each book Moisés is involved in just seems to explode with detail and captures the reader’s mind sending them deep into the story, partner that with the colour by Raul Angulo and you’ve got yourself a winning combination, creating a comic masterpiece.
After The Eltarian War I thought that there wouldn’t be more stories to tell to come out of this multiverse and how wrong I was. This particular Mighty Morphin arc just seems to gather pace with each issue and I am back with the intense excitement waiting for the next issue.