Mighty Morphin #15 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Ryan Parrott, illustrated by Marco Renna, coloured by Walter Baiamonte and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Print copies of Mighty Morphin #15 are available 12th January 2022 either directly from Boom! Studios or from your local comic book store. Digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
On the moon, the epic, long-awaited battle is finally here as Zordon and Lord Zedd go head-to-head! As the Empyreals are unleashed, the Rangers must summon every weapon at their disposal to stop them from cleansing Earth. Can Matthew and Tommy put their differences aside to avenge their fallen comrades? And what other unexpected alliances will be formed in the desperate attempt to stop the Empyreals?
The battle all Power Rangers have been longing for is finally here. It’s Zordon versus Lord Zedd as the two go head-to-head on the moon in an epic battle of the ages. Years of waiting have come down to this one-on-one, arch enemies to the death. Unfortunately for the Rangers, Lord Zedd isn’t the only threat they need to worry about as the Empyreal begin the “cleansing” of Earth. Time is against the Rangers as they work to stop the evil enemy which may take every tool at their disposal against the biggest threat they have come across.
Ryan Parrott has written a story that has captured the true essence of the Power Rangers world. In a genius move, bringing the two opposing leaders to battle is fight all Ranger fans (myself included) have been longing to see. I have been hooked from the beginning of this arc but now I am hyped up to the max. This arc is going to be explosive.
The arc is expertly captured by the illustrations of Marco Renna dramatically bringing the arc to life pulling the reader into the warzone, feeling every blow of the battle. Using the colours from Walter Baiamonte really makes each page grab your imagination, every issue I have read from this arc involving this creative team really captures what I want from a Power Rangers story, there really isn’t a better creative team to bring this story forward and take it to the next level and I for one am definitely enjoying the ride.
With Mighty Morphin #15, The Eltarian War arc continues to be a thrilling ride and one that I don’t want to stop.
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