Punchline: The Gotham Game #5 is published by DC Comics, written by Tini Howard & Blake Howard, illustrated by Gleb Melnikov, coloured by Luis Guerrero and lettered by Becca Carey.
Issue #5 is available 28th February 2023 either directly from DC Comics online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
As Bluebird and Nightwing desperately search for brother, Cullen, Punchline’s expansion of the Royal Flush Gang takes a terrifying technological turn. The nanotech experiments she’s been conducting with 1-0 will allow her to create an army of A.C.E. robots, and nothing beats a hand full of A.C.E.s…Nightwing and Bluebird are in for a world of hurt.
In this issue we see the continuation of the Punchline story arc that sees Bluebird and Nightwing in a desperate search for Bluebird’s brother as time begins to tick away the need to find Cullen alive intensifies. Punchline’s crazy plan to take over Gotham takes a decidedly dark turn as Black Mask turns the fight on Punchline and her Royal Flush gang and Black Mask and definitely hit harder and alot smarter. The once elaborate take over plan begins to fall apart as the Royal Flush gang begin to fall at the advances of Black Mask and his ever expanding back up.
As this book comes to an end without revealing any spoilers we see what could potentially be the start of a very dangerous mentorship for Punchline ina turn of events that could change the whole course of the story arc all together.
Another great addition to an amazing arc that keeps getting better with each issue, Punchline is rapidly becoming my favourite villain in DC.