Today marks the release of the highly anticipated Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova, the latest console and PC game to be based on the iconic franchise. Cadets can join an all new adventure where they explore the alien worlds of Orisi, Mirios and Taresse to make first contact with new alien species. The game will feature 1-2 co-op, puzzles and challenges and will feature the full VO cast from Star Trek Prodigy.
Here’s the full launch press release from the studio, we hope you’ve brushed up on your Klingon!
Hov leng wIghHom: puyjaq’a’ chenmoH Outright Qujmey ‘ej wa’leS ConsoleDaq De’wI’Daq je paw.
yIjaq ‘ej Hov leng: wIghHom qo’ yI’el. Hoq chu’vaD yItlheD Protorstar beq DatlhejtaHvIS
lanDan, jar wa’maH, jaj wa’maH wej, cha’-pagh-cha’-cha’ – DaHjaj Hov leng: wIghHom puyjaq’a’ jonHa’ Outright Games, Nickelodeon, Paramount Consumer Products je. qorDu’meyvaD Quj chenmoH Outright Games. Hov leng wIghHom: puyjaq’a’ pIlmoH Paramount+ mIllogh qol Hov leng: wIghHom. QujwI’ SeymoH ‘e’ nID Quj. nItebHa’ tIvlaH qorDu’ naQ. wa’leS PlayStation 4®Daq PlayStation 5Daq Nintendo Switch™Daq, Xbox OneDaq, Xbox X|SDaq, SteamDaq je Hov leng wIghHom: puyjaq’a’ QujlaH nuvpu’.
HeghchoHbogh Hovvo’ maQ Huj HevDI’ U.S.S. Protostar, QapHa’ jol pat ‘ej ‘u’Daq beq ghomHa’moH. Do qaD bamnIS Dal R’el, Gwyndala je ‘ej Jankom Pog, Rok-Tahk, Zero, Murf je toDmeH jIjnIS. vabDot Dujchaj, nov Segh chu’, Hovtay’ je toDmeH jIjnIS Hoch Qaw’pa’ puyjaq’a’!
‘ach qu’bogh jegh chu’, qoq mangghom je DaghuHmeH chal yIbej! Protostar luQaw’ ‘ej qun luchoH ‘e’ luHechchu’! ‘ej rob’agh Janeway yIqIm DalvaD GwynvaD je DIvI’ tIgh ghojmoHtaHvIS.
nov maSbogh ngutlhwI’ yISeH: Dal R’El, Gwyndala je. nIteb Quj pagh qoch tlhej. nov qo’mey chu’qu’ tItlhargh. Orisi, Mirios, Taresse je tItlhargh ‘ej nov nganchaj tIqIH. tayqeq tu’be’lu’ta’bogh tIgh DaghojmeH ‘ej peghchaj Datu’meH, qaDmey ngajrunmey je yIQuj, yuQmey ‘umber naH DachIjtaHvIS.
Hov leng: wIghHom mIllogh qol Qat luqon Emmy® van’a’ QapwI’ Kevin Dan je Hageman (“Trollhunters” “Ninjago” je luqon je). bejwI’ QupvaD luren. bejwI’ QupvaD Hov leng much wa’DIch ‘oH. novpu’ Qup yughbogh beq bopbogh lutmey much. jIjmeH Ho’DoSmey tu’nIS, ‘u’Daq lengtaHvIS ‘ej tuch QaQ nejtaHvIS.
DawI’ law’ ghaj much. Dal Da Brett Grey. Gwyn Da Ella Purnell. Rok-Tahk Da Rylee Alazraqui. Zero Da Angus Imrie. Jankom Pog Da Jason Mantzoukas. Murf Da Dee Bradley Baker. Hov leng chegh je Kate Mulgrew. Janeway HoD Daqa’. much lIng Nickelodeon CBS’ Eye Animation Productions je. ‘amerI’qa’ SepjIjQa’Daq, Paramount+Daq Nickelodeon Daq je Hov leng: wIghHom bejlaH vay’. jar loS cha’-pagh-cha’-cha’ tuqjIjQa’Daq bejchoHlaH vay’ ‘ej cha’-pagh-cha’-cha’ SIbI’Ha’ ‘ewropDaq bejchoHlaH vay’.
Outright Games Terry Malhem, DevwI’, jatlh. Qujvam wIchenmoHmo’, Paramount Nickeldeon je tlhejtaHvIS, nubelmoH. potlhqu’bogh Hov leng tIgh Qat yInmoH Qujvam. qorDu’ Quj wa’DIch wIchenmoHmo’ SeymoHbogh qaD wIbam. nItebHa’ Qujvam lutIv Hov leng ngutlhwI’ ngo’ ngutlhwI’ chu’ je ‘e’ wISovbej.
wa’leS PlayStation 4®Daq PlayStation 5Daq Nintendo Switch™Daq, Xbox OneDaq, Xbox X|SDaq, SteamDaq je Hov leng wIghHom: puyjaq’a’ QujlaH nuvpu’.
TM & © tera’ DIS cha’-pagh-cha’-cha’ CBS Studios Inc. CBS Studios Inc malja’ permey bIH Star Trek pong’e’ Deghmey’e’ je. Hoch SeH.