Mighty Morphin #21 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Matt Groom, illustrated by Moisés Hidalgo, coloured by Raul Angulo and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Issue #21 is available from 6th July 2022 either directly from Boom! Studios online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
After a recent tragedy that shook the Rangers leader to his core, the Mighty Morphin team faces an identity crisis while Kim grapples with the future of the Power Rangers with Billy and Tommy’s help. But there are some challenges even they can’t overcome…
In this issue we mainly follow Kim as she catches us up with Trini and talks about Trini’s lost adventures through space and time. Trini drops the revelation bomb that there are multiple across different timezones all with their own unique skill set, this gets Kim thinking about her own identity in this realms Power Rangers and making her think about the lasting legacy they will leave if any. She wants more than she has in terms of powers and a conversation with scientific whizz Billy puts the plans in place albeit at trial level, however much like anything else in life be careful what you wish for.
As a writer I know very little of Matt Groom I’ll be honest, that would be more down to me sticking to mainly what I know, with Matt taking the writing mantle of Mighty Morphin I was a touch sceptical as they were indeed big shoes to fill. Matt has not only surprised me he has definitely put my mind at rest, the man gets the Rangers and it shows in the writing especially with this issue with the words having a mix of thoughtful moments and intense intrigue. As we blast forward toward the 100 mark I am elated to see what is going to come next from this story arc.
Moisés Hidalgo again is front and centre with the illustrations bringing the usually top quality detail and effects that allows the words that Matt has put to paper come alive. Raul Angulo provides warmth to the book with vibrant colours making the most of the refined detail of the book.
A story arc that keeps getting better. Each month when I finish Mighty Morphin I’m immediately waiting for the next issue to drop. Rangers fans, if you aren’t already on board then now is the time!