Alice Ever After #2 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Dan Panosian, illustrated by Giorgio Spalletta, coloured by Fabiana Mascolo and lettered by Jeff Eckleberry.
Issue #2 is available now either directly from BOOM! Studios or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
Alice might have opened the door to Wonderland, but the asylum is its own realm of darkness and danger. Mistress Hulda resembles an all-too-familiar queen, and Dr. Madsen is eager to try an experimental treatment, probing into a past that Alice wants to escape… and one her father will do anything to keep hidden. Will an inmate with an intriguing smile prove to be a much needed friend, or will Alice’s fate be the same as the inmates in the common room, the ones with the vacant eyes?
In this issue we see the continuation of the twisted tale of Alice in a slightly darker Wonderland than you may have previously seen. This story arc adds realism to the famous fairytale giving it that darker edge as we take a look deep into Alice’s mental state.
In the last issue we saw Alice admitted to a mental health institute to cure her visions and bring her back to a ‘normal’ state of mind. Alice begins to fit into life in the hospital mingling with some of the residents, some of which look familiar. There is a door just off the social room that is chained locked, what is hidden behind the door? What is hidden behind the high level of security?
Having read the second issue of this arc, I’m finding it an enjoyable experience as Dan Panosian has taken us (the reader) on a unique journey into a time old story, creating a different concept that gives us a different side of Alice making us think it was all in her mind all along.
The intriguingly dark world has been expertly brought to life by the illustrations from Giorgio Spalletta and the colouring from Fabiana Mascolo, both combining to create a dark but powerful world that leaves you captivated as you step into a while new world.
An intriguingly dark fairytale story told with passion and depth, a must read for any comic readers who are looking for a bit of a different magical journey.