Power Rangers #18 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Ryan Parrott, illustrated by Marco Renna, coloured by Walter Baiamonte and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Issue #18 will be available 20th April 2022 directly from Boom! Studios online or from your local comic book store, digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
The Omega Rangers take a big risk, splitting up after receiving separate distress calls from two distant planets. Zack and Trini bring an unexpected guest back to Safehaven after a battle, while Jason and Yale encounter a rogue [REDACTED], determined to avenge the destruction of his home planet!
In this issue the comic has almost been split into two separate veins of story as we see the Omega Rangers splitting to answer the different distress signals which indeed is a major risk as the question should be what are they going into? Surely a depleted team makes for depleted powers. As Zack and Trini safely land it’s starting to feel as if there is some sort of set up or a trap as there are no signs of life, that is until an unexpected welcome shows up. Jason and Yale encounter a slightly more interesting discovery that could turn the Power Rangers multiverse on it’s head, I think this series is about to get a whole lot more interesting.
Once again Ryan Parrott has written a story that not only captivates the reader it takes you on an emotional journey with a more deeper story thank you may normally get with a Power Rangers arc. The idea of splitting the team sounded strange at first but the two different parts of the story gel well together coming together seamlessly at the end.
Marco Renna is for me one of the top illustrators in the comic business right now using his unique skill set to bring Ryan’s words to life, each page draws you in deeper into the story taking you on a colourful journey that inspires the readers imagination. The colours Walter Baiamonte perfectly capture the mood of the story arc with bold colours and dramatic shades perfectly matching to the story.
This series feels like something big is building, the anticipation of what is about to unfold is gripping me more and more, this definitely could become one of the Power Rangers story arcs yet.